5 Quick Tips To Upgrade Your Garden Look & Feel

Having a colorful, well-arranged garden just adds up to the beauty of your home. Shades of green and brown with contrasting bright-colored flowers are a visually appealing scene. Gardens also improve the air quality around your house and create an inviting atmosphere for one to enjoy some warm morning sun. Here are a few tips to help you design a beautiful garden.

Tip 1 Know your garden’s purpose!

A garden can be used for growing edible plants or to have a visually attractive area in one part of the house. So, before you start designing a garden you should decide the purpose of your garden. You can also try and combine edible plants with some ornamentals. 

Tip 2 Shaping the space

The shape of the garden matters a lot. If you are planning to create your garden on the patio, then some restructuring might be needed. If you plan to have some plants by the side of the patio, you might have to take off some part of the paving as well. Also, define the boundaries of the space for the garden. This helps you build a fence or a hedge that limits the area and gives it a neat look. 

Tip 3 Know your land well - it will be worth it…

Every piece of land has its own set of characteristics. When designing your garden, you have to consider the microclimate and the topography of the land. Check the quality of the soil and whether it is suitable for plantations. Also look out for the sunny and shady areas, areas which are windy or if it receives the rainwater. These factors are equally important for the garden.

Tip 4 Planting - strategize it first to enjoy the blossom

It is the most important part of designing a garden. If you are planting directly on the soil in your property, you will have to choose the plants that can thrive in that particular soil. Pots are one of the best ways to have plants of your choice. However, when choosing to plant in pots you must consider the size of the plant and its growth rate. You wouldn’t want a broken pot or plants overflowing from it. If you want a tree in your garden, make sure you plant it in a wide area so that it gets enough space when mature. 

Tip 5 Time to decorate!

A lovely looking garden is an asset to your home. Therefore, decorating it is also an important task. The first thing is the entrance. Try to build a small gate and decorate it with some creepers that bloom, or hang some lights. Make sure the pathway is clear, and you can take a nice walk. Showcase your plant collections and enhance the look with some garden ornamentals. You can also hang tiny lights on some trees. Get lots of different designs and colors that make the plants look even more charming. If you have enough space, you can also have some garden furniture to make the area more welcoming.


Gardening can be done in multiple ways and there are endless ideas on how you can beautify this space. Find out the best ideas that suit your taste, and you can have an amazing garden just like you imagined. 
