About Us

Decoration, art, creation and beauty have always been a part of us from the time that we were young. Whether it was the casual bedroom decoration with a simple wall art piece or the outdoors with a Halloween pumpkin decoration, it always struck the deepest strings in our souls. While decorations in general got to us, outdoor decoration swept us off our feet.

The pleasure and pride of relaxing in your backyard and witnessing as your own decorations blow your mind a way is an experience worth living for. This amusement made us make a proactive step towards creating outdoor decorations and that is when wind spinners came to mind.

But more than just dull wind spinners, our intention was to create unique wind spinners that offer that personal touch that we all look for when shopping for an outdoor decoration. Something that would leave any admirer with a smile on their face.

Before we even knew it, we had a vast collection of personal designs, some that we would gift to friends when they came over to our home in Australia. What followed was an influx of requests and enquiries from others on how much we would be willing to sell the wind spinners to them at.

This gave birth to our online store through which anyone can request a customized design and we will create it with love for them.

We design each of our wind spinners to represent your unique character and all with a touch of durability because of steel coating on them that ensures longevity. Moreover, we customize each one of our wind spinners to ensure that they meet the specific needs and taste preferences of each customer.

Our purpose is to make the outdoors of your home a peaceful and meditative heaven that allows you to attract positive energy and optimism. We design each of our wind spinners to represent your unique character and all with a touch of durability because of steel coating on them that ensures longevity.


I hope you will enjoy our product as many of our customers worldwide, may it bring you and your family joy and attract good vibes only :)


Itai Ozeri,
ISEO Wind Spinners

