Best Spring Flowers For Your Garden

Spring is one season that everyone loves. Just like the fight between summers and winters has been going on forever, spring flowers have been a cult favorite too since the start of time. That is not all. The variety of colors emerging after fall are a hope for people; to begin new and better.


If you have been planting for a long time, you would know that most spring flowers need to be planted before spring starts. This way, they are big enough to bloom in spring. Furthermore, there are some other aspects before getting your garden ready to welcome those vivid, bright, and cheerful spring flowers. 


How to prepare your garden for spring flowers?


There is one thing more important than choosing the best flowers for your garden in spring. You guessed it right; it is garden prep. Maintaining your garden before planting spring flowers ensures that you get a beautiful yield, blooming in its full glory. This is a basic guideline regarding your garden preparation.


Clean the Ground:

Cleaning the ground does not only mean removing the dead leaves and garbage. This also includes eliminating anything that comes in the way. Ideally, you should be able to see bare soil after cleaning. Of course, organic matter like old weed and debris can be made into compost, but that should also be separated into another fertilizer pile.

Your primary focus should be the live weed. You should remove them from their roots; otherwise, they might overgrow your spring flowers.


Adjust the Soil:

The Winter season leaves the soil tight and dense. Therefore, after the last layer of frost melts away, you need to loosen it up. Take your spade, mix, and tilt your soil until it is loose and light. This way, any compost or dead matter that would act as compost mixes right in. Remove any existing weed you see.


After that, add your fertilizer, and level the soil. Next, add a little quantity of water, just enough to make your soil bed wet.


Make Space:

To see your flowers grow healthy, you need to provide them ample growing space. Make several divisions on the ground with space between them. Before your flowers start growing, dig around the plantlet, and lift it from the ground without damaging the roots. 

Now, plant them gently. This way, you will get a much healthier yield.


Five Best Spring Flowers for your Garden

1 - Daffodils

Daffodils are the flowers that announce the spring season. These yellow beauties are planted in the fall so that they can bloom in early spring. You can find them in numerous forms like large and small cupped, trumpet, doubles, cyclamineus, and a lot more. They need full sun, so be sure to dedicate such a place for them.


2 - Crocus

Crocus come in a range of purple shades, from lavender to violets. These are also early spring flowers, so much as you can find them even before the frost melts completely. These bulbs are grown from tubers and require full sun for nourishment. 


3 - Tulips

Tulips are among the most diverse spring flowers. You can find tulips in practically any color and size. Even though they are perineal, the flowers do not stay much more than a year. Hence, they are planted like annual flowers. You can use them as lavish flowers as well as casual ones.


4 - Grape Hyacinth

Among the most stunning flowers, grape hyacinths rank at the top. The cluster of small, purple bulbs hanging on a stalk resembles grapes, hence the name. They can grow in both full and partial shades. Grape hyacinths are planted in the fall for full bloom in springs.


5 - Pansy

Pansies are the strongest among spring flowers. They can survive colds and even mild frost; therefore, you can plant them in the early springs of February. You can find pansies in all colors ranging from whites to blacks. Pansies look lovely in gardens as well as in kitchen containers.

