Grow your own Vegetable Garden in 7 Simple Steps

Having your garden in your home is surely one of the most relaxing and satisfying things. You can not only enjoy your time there but also get fresh and healthy vegetables for your meals. Garden adds value to your property and gives it an adorable look. According to psychology, gardening keeps us near to nature and helps us overcoming depressions and stress. Working in garden releases chemicals in the brain such as dopamine and serotonin which gives you a sense of happiness. So, are you ready to start your garden at your home but do not know how to start? Well, don't worry and follow 7 simple steps to start your vegetable garden and get homegrown vegetables and enjoy your time there.


1 - Choose the Right Location for Vegetable Garden:

Choosing the right location is the first essential step to start your vegetable garden. Most of the vegetables require at least 6 hours of daily sunlight. Choose the location or soil which is well-drained and remains moist. Because waterlogging can cause diseases in the plants. Avoid the place having too much wind that may uproot the plant. I would also suggest you choose the place which you can also decorate and make it ravishing.


2 - Prepare the Site for Sowing:

With the help of the spade or trowel, do proper hoeing and weeding of the site. Uproot all the weeds and make the soil pulverize to sow the seeds and add some manure or compost in it. One day before planting the seeds, water the site to some extent just to moisten the soil so that the seed can germinate.


3 - Choose the Vegetables to Sow:

At the start, choose the vegetables that are productive, common, and easy to manage. Once you will become a master of gardening you can grow whatever you want. Also, keep in mind the season and its suitability to the plants. Choose seeds keeping in mind its the right season to grow. You can also use seedlings and buy them from the nurseries and transplant them in your garden. Below I have listed some vegetables you grow in summer and winter. 

Summer Vegetables

Winter Vegetables














4 - Sowing and Transplanting:

After you have bought seeds and seedlings of your choice now it’s time to sow them in your garden. In the case of seeds, do not put them too deep in the soil or just on the surface. Gently push the seed into the soil and cover it with a thin layer of soil. But if you want to transplant seedlings in your garden, make a hole into soil comparable to the root size of the seedling and gently pull out the seedling from the pot or plastic bag and place it vertically into the hole such that only its roots go into the soil. Now cover the surroundings of roots and base of the plant with soil and irrigate it mildly. It is advisable to transplant the seedling in the early morning or the evening.


5 -  Watering the vegetables:

Water the plants wisely. Neither over irrigate them nor irrigate them after weeks. The purpose of the watering is not to fill up the whole garden with water, it is done just to keep the soil moist and favorable for the plants. Water them after 3-5 days and keep an eye over the moisture level of the soil that it should not be too less or too much for the plant. Water the plants in the early morning or at night     


6 - Take care of your Plants:

Keep an eye on the growth and health of the plants. If you notice any unusual thing like disease or insect attack on any plant, root out that plant so that it may not spread to other plants. You can use neem extracts to control diseases and insects organically on small scale. Keep your garden colorful all the season so that you may enjoy wandering there.


7 - Harvesting:

That's the last step before enjoying your home-grown fresh vegetables. When the vegetables become mature and ready to pick up, harvest them gently according to the nature of each vegetable, like in the case of tomatoes, chilies, sweet pepper, etc. pull them gently from the plant. In the case of broccoli, spinach, coriander, etc. cut the upper green part of the plant and the remaining will grow again. After harvesting, store the vegetables in some safe place like the refrigerator, cook them and enjoy your own vegetables.
