How To Grow Succulents In Your Garden


Do you have a studio apartment with limited space? A big house with a garden in which you want to add an array of color through plants? Whichever it is, succulents will be your best choice! These tiny, colorful bodies are a perfect finish for your place.


What's better is the fact that they can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Your succulents can flourish anywhere with ample light. It does not necessarily have to be bright sunlight. A well-lit windowsill or a countertop works just as well. 


This, along with their other attributes, makes them one of the least maintenance requiring plants. You can water them and forget, but always come back to a fresh and healthy succulent.


Most people grow their succulents indoors because they do not want to risk exposure to the outside. But the truth is, you can grow succulents in your gardens just as easily by keeping these simple tips in mind.


Tips For Growing Succulents:


1 - Placement 

Depending on your location, the weather may vary. It could either be too hot or too cold for your plant. Succulents grow best in moderate conditions. This is a general misconception that all succulents need extreme sunlight to flourish. While it is right for many of them, some varieties cannot withstand continuous hot conditions.

The best tip for this would be to grow them in container gardens so that you can move them inside or outside as per the requirement. Keep in mind not to make sudden transitions. For example, if you have to bring your succulent inside from the sun, first keep them in the shade for sometime before you get them inside.



2 -  Proper soil

The information mentioned above clearly shows that overwatering can destroy your succulent. Therefore, you need soil that drains well. You can take a mixture of sand and something courses such as gravel or pumice, giving you an ideal potting soil.

This ensures that the roots of your succulent do not become soggy by draining all the excess water. The best case would be getting 60% nonorganic and 40% organic material for your potting soil.



3 -  Watering 

One of the most crucial factors for planting is the amount of water. You give too much or too little, and your green friend dies. Therefore, you must provide the right amount of water to your succulent. 

If you grow your succulent in a container or a pot, water, it once and then wait till the soil dries. If you water it again the next day while the soil is still wet, it will affect your succulent adversely. In the case of growing succulents in your garden, water them once a week or when the leaves appear shrivelled.



4 - Removal of excess water

You must have realized by now that succulents are incredibly undemanding. They do not require much of anything. Therefore, if you forget to water them once, they will continue growing as fresh as before. The problem arises when you overwater them. If your succulents are grown in containers, keep a drainage system for them.

Drainage can be observed by adding rocks to your container's base or drilling a hole on the bottom. Do not forget to keep a dish below the container to collect the excess water. This saves you from a wet mess, all the while keeping your plant healthy.



Succulents are the perfect fit for everyone. They are pretty, low maintenance, and among the hot topics of the town. There is no right or wrong way of growing succulents in your garden. But if you implement these tips, you will see a difference in their growth.
