How to Start a Flower Garden

Are you always an admirer of flowers and want to start your flower garden? Now it's time to make your dream happen. Whether you have 40 or 400 square feet of area, you can start your flower garden easily. You just need to have a reasonable space in your backyard and a little bit of guidance to start the flower garden. This blog will guide you entirely that how to start your flower garden.

Flower gardening is such a noble hobby that makes you satisfied, fills your life with fun and also proves rewarding at the end. If you want your own flower garden, then in the following steps, we are going to discuss what you should do to start your Flower Garden.


1. Selection of the Location:

Locality belongs to an area that you are going to use for your garden. For planning your flower garden layout, you just have to grab a pencil and a piece of paper and go where you want to grow your garden and make a quick sketch on paper. On paper, you will draw different flower plants according to their height and sunlight requirements and arrange them in such a way that short height plants appear first, then set large height plants behind.

While selecting a location, keep in mind that the selected site should get full or partial sunlight because it drastically influences the types of flowers and foliage you are going to plant on your beds. The soil of your site should be tested before making beds.



2. Free your Site from Vegetation:

After selection, free your site from vegetation (grass, weeds etc.) using a soil tiller and other mechanical tools available at the time. It will help your plant to grow in the best soil environment. Leave the soil for a month under ample sunlight. After that, again till the soil and remove stubbles, pebbles, rocks, weeds, leaves etc. and level your land having well-pulverized soil.


3. Create Beds:

If you feel like your soil is difficult to handle, don't worry and just make a raised beds. Raised beds help in areas where the soil consists of heavy clay particles, rocky and sandy in nature. Make practices that make soil best otherwise, just create raised bed.


4. Selection of Flowers: 

It's up to you to choose the flowers that are suitable for your garden and also suitable to grow well in that environment. It's up to you how much effort you put into making your garden beautiful. If you are using annual plants, it needs more effort as compared to perennial plants.  But you will get a more colorful bloom if you are using annual plants. Buy seed from a well-reputed nursery and from a garden store that will germinate efficiently.


5. Sowing of Seeds: 

Sow the seeds in the sowing trays to prepare the nurseries of the flowers. The tray is filled with any growing medium like perlite or coco peat, then sow the seeds in it. These growing mediums are best for seed germination because they are free from contamination and weed seeds.  Sow the seed at a depth that is four times the width of the seed. It provides a favorable environment for seed germination. Place single seeds in a single container, label the tray and keep them moist until the seedling appears.


6. Transplanting your Flowers:

When you get a nursery ready for transplantation, make sure the environment is free from frost on those days, and there is ample sunlight. If you grow plants in between frost days, it will delay bloom or may lead to the death of plants.

Add some fertilizer on your soil before transplanting and make beds or pits of your own choice, then take the plant from the container and tray and be careful not to damage seedlings' roots. Make the pit as large as the plant is. Place the plant in the ground and earthen up the soil around their stem. After transplanting all the plants in the garden, water them slowly for several days and let them gain strength in the soil. After some days, water them by observing plant and environmental conditions.


7. Best Flowers for Your Garden:

Every flowers is good to plant in your garden but here are some flowers that will add an extra beauty to your garden and house.

  • Coneflowers
  • Dianthus
  • Marigolds
  • Morning Glories
  • Daffodils
